No site da BBC fala-se nas palavras que se tornaram comuns nos últimos 101 anos. De seguida sugerem que se elabore um texto até 150 palavras com alguns dos 101 novos termos. Eu utilizei 36:
A Sacred Cow was eating a cheerio at the Big Apple and listening to bossa nova. She wore a cool, sexy miniskirt and a wonderbra when an awesome cruise missile hit her and caused her Sudden Death. A hippie said that it’s racism, the pop cartoon Mickey Mouse with lack of sex said that the missile came from an avant garde wizard, Bush said it came from the axis of evil and that’s the beginning of another 9/11, Karrey said it's a new Watergate. The people who’ve seen this brainwashing are shouting: Blitzkrieg! Ceasefire! The kitsch ones were seeing big brother and eating a Cheese Burger or other fast food bought in a drive-in or in a hypermarket. I was pissed off and listening to acid blues. This is only a cyborg virtual reality, and you can find going to google and searching for the BBC URL.
2 espinhos:
olha o Johnny Rotten!... Continua com bom aspecto, o rapaz :)
É o exemplo de Punk para a BBC, não seria melhor um Joey Ramone?
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